Back in the day all congregations had their own Kingdom Halls. They would open up a new one on the other side of town when growth required it. Every KH in medium to larger towns was sized for about 125 persons. In my town we started out with one KH downtown, added another on the far southend of the city, then another in between those two, and finally one on the westside in an attached suburb. All that growth in about 15 years. Population of that city and surrounding suburbs was around 35-40,000. Four Kingdom Halls served the area well.
Yes, only 85-100 JWs would show up for meetings, but that allowed a few extra seats for coats and handbags - and yes, even occasional visitors. When we had the Memorial or a special talk by the CO or DO (in those days CS and DS) all the seats would be taken, we'd have to break out some folding chairs, and a few of the brothers would have to stand up in the back.
But we didn't have to drive 20 miles (or further) to go to the KH. We didn't need MSes carrying portable microphones or holding them on long bars. We even had room for a piano so that someone could play our Kingdom Songs.
Sixty years later, guess what? Still just four Kingdom Halls serve the area. Population is well over 300,000. I am sure that there are Spanish congregations sharing KHs with English, and maybe a couple of other languages (Vietnamese) as well. There is no longer a KH in downtown, so everyone living near the center of town has to drive about 8 to 10 miles to the edges to go to meetings (can you guess where the ethnic and poorer neighborhoods are?).
So for my old home town, growth has obviously been stagnant, and access has been diminished. Yes, the KHs are newer and probably larger, but not ten times larger. My guess is that Memorials were also held in the JW assembly hall about 20 miles away to handle some of the overflow, but then you have to add in populations that are around the AH as well.
I guess the good news is that in the 60 years since I was in the area, JWs as a percentage of the total population has nose-dived. Maybe there is a god...